What is Orchard?
Orchard is an online real estate brokerage specializing in iBuying or Buy Before You Sell transactions.
How are OJO and Orchard partnering?
Sellers that come to Orchard are interested in receiving a cash offer on their house, but their property falls outside of the state/areas that Orchard is able to serve, so this is where OJO steps in. OJO receives these leads from Orchard and refers these high intent seller leads to our network of agents. Agents can then educate the consumer on their selling options and guide them through the best option for their situation.
How does Orchard get leads?
Orchard generates leads from traffic to their consumer search site. These leads are interested in receiving a cash offer on their home or buy before you sell options.
Will Orchard be providing a cash offer to leads I receive from them?
Orchard leads serviced by OJO agents cannot receive a cash offer from Orchard. This is because the lead comes from a state/area that Orchard is unable to service.
Can a consumer still get a cash offer or use a buy before you sell program if they don't qualify for Orchard?
Yes, depending on what options are available in that market and provided by their agent.
Is this available all across the United States?
Orchard’s leads serviced by OJO agents are available nationwide. OJO agents in Texas, Georgia, and Colorado may receive a higher percentage of Orchard leads.
Why would a consumer use Orchard?
For a consumer, the benefit of using a company like Orchard over a traditional agent is that they can minimize the risk of selling by receiving an upfront offer from Orchard or purchasing their new home before their existing property sells. Consumers appreciate the convenience of knowing their home will sell, not having to worry about staging/showings, and can secure their next home without having to deal with the stress of selling.