Not Receiving Emails from Movoto

If you are not receiving emails from Movoto, you may need adjust your email settings so that they don't block or filter out emails from Movoto. This includes:

  1. Adding Movoto as a Contact
  2. Adding Movoto's email address(es) to your email’s allow list (white list)
  3. Move Movoto emails from your Spam/Junk folder to your Inbox

Movoto primarily sends email notifications from the following addresses:


Instructions for major email providers can be found below. Use the instructions from your specific email provider to make sure Movoto emails are not blocked or sent to your spam folder. 


How to add us as a contact within Gmail

  1. Log into your Gmail account and click the 9 dots (Google Apps) button on the upper right hand corner of  your screen
  2. Select “Contacts
  3. Select “Create contact
  4. Enter our email address(es) and the name you would like it to show us as (i.e. Movoto Reminders)
  5. Click “Save

How to add our email address(es) to your allow list within Gmail:

  1. Log into your Gmail account and click on the gear icon in the upper right hand corner. Select “See all Settings” 
  2. Select “Filters and Blocked Addresses
  3. Select “Create a New Filter” 
  4. Add the email addresses you want to allow in the “From” field
  5. Select the “Never Send to Spam” box and select “Create Filter

How to move an email from your Spam folder to the Inbox within Gmail:

  1. Find the email within your Spam folder and click to open it
  2. Click the “Move to” button in the upper middle menu bar
  3. Select Inbox


How to add us as a contact within Yahoo:

  1. From Yahoo Mail, click the Contacts icon
  2. Click the All tab
  3. Click Add a new contact
  4. Enter the contact's info
  5. Click Save

How to add our email address(es) to your allow list within Yahoo:

  1. Click Settings once in Yahoo mail
  2. Click Filters and then Add
  3. Enter a Filter Name
  4. Either our Email Address(es) and name you are wanting to add to your allow list in the Recipient field (i.e. OJO Reminders)
  5. Select to send all mail to Inbox
  6. Click Save and Save 

How to move an email from your Spam folder to the Inbox within Yahoo:

  1. Open the Spam folder and locate the email you’re wishing to move
  2. Select the email
  3. Click Not Spam and it will be moved to your Inbox


How to add us as a contact within Outlook:

  1. Click People at the bottom of the screen
  2. From the File menu, select New Contact
  3. Enter our email address(es) and name (i.e. OJO Reminders)
  4. Select “Save & Close”


  1. When you receive an email from us, open the message so that our email address is shown in one of these lines: From:, To:, CC:, or BCC:.
  2. Right click the name and choose Add to Outlook Contacts
  3. Enter the email address, name, and any other information you’d like to include (i.e. OJO Reminders)
  4. Select Save

How to add our email address(es) to your allow list within Outlook:

  1. Open the Safe Senders settings
  2. Within Safe senders and domains, enter our email address(es) and name. Select Add

How to move an email from your Spam folder to the Inbox within Outlook:

  1. Open the Junk Email folder
  2. Select the message and either select Not junk > Not junk (or Not spam > Not spam) from the top toolbar, OR click into the message and select the It’s Not Junk link at the top